The inclusion of this page is the result of a Guest book entry in December 2006 by Ivor Jackson

" I have been trying to find information about the shunter used at Fletton or London Brick in Peterborough, it was named NUTTY do you have any information. Ivor Jackson"

Fourteen months later an informative reply was received in the Guest book from Geoff Sutton

"Hello Roy, I am an expat from Peterborough who now lives in Wiltshire. I typed "Nutty Fletton" into Google and was directed to your website due to a previous visitor (Ivor Jackson) asking about Nutty. I lived within earshot of the ECML near Farcet and spent much of my youth (late 50s/early 60s) at various vantage points by the line side - Yaxley station,Hicks' Bridge, Fletton Bridge, Fairground, North station, Spital Bridge, New England shed, Walton Crossing etc. The closest of these to home was Hicks' bridge which was really a crossing of the ECML by the wagon way which carried 4-wheel clay wagons between the pits and the brick presses at Fletton. This must have been at least a mile long,was double track and operated by an endless cable. It turned through at least two 90 degree corners and at these points the cable was turned by flanged discs on a horizontal axle. These were regularly greased by a workman who had a refuge hut about half way along. By the side of this wagon way Hicks' bridge carried a footpath which proved to be a good vantage point for the main line. Parallel to the main line and crossing the footpath at one end of the bridge was the line on which Nutty operated. I wish that I had taken more notice at the time but in those days that little railway was not much more than a distraction to more major events taking place as Pacifics, V2s, B1s, WDs and much more passed by on the mainline. The brick works line was 2ft 6in gauge (I think) and carried wagon loads of formed bricks to the kilns for firing. Nutty would appear every couple of hours or so with the driver sitting side-saddle with his knees poking out of the cab door. Nutty was/is a 4-wheel Sentinel product with a vertical boiler and was built in 1929. When that brick works closed Nutty went either directly or indirectly to the narrow gauge museum at Towyn although another website now suggests that it is now back in the Peterborough area as a static exhibit. I seem to remember wondering, as a boy,if this loco was diesel powered as it sounded rather like an electric sewing machine as it coasted into the Hicks' brick works. I now know better and wish that I had taken photos of the whole system at the time. Geoff Sutton"

Nutty the engine was named after his driver "Nutty" Rowell and an email was received from Mark Lock with several images attached two of which appear on this page

"Ivor jackson forwarded your info to me, you might like to add that I am Nutty's Grandson which is why I have taken so much interest, I have attached some pics of restoration (complete 29th June 04), got my apprentices and fitter to do in between jobs, Nutty now waiting for a place at Railworld once new Exhibition centre built. Boiler still needs replacing but need the money to do it, engine is perfect."

"Nutty" a 0-4-0VBGT Sentinel Works No.7701 (photographs courtesy of Mark Lock)

I have learnt recently that 'Nutty' lanquished in the Narrow Gauge Museum at Tywyn apart from an escape in 1964 when it worked on the Welshpool & Llanfair Railway reconstructing the line following a landslip - Roy
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